The Raijin Team¶
The Raijin administration team is a consortium between NCAR and Pennsylvania State University. NCAR will manage the overall project. NCAR’s GeoCAT team will be responsible for the development of the Python visualization and analysis functions. While doing so, GeoCAT will ensure that an open development environment is established, the implementation work is well documented, and the deployments are well aligned with the project milestones as well as Scientific Python Ecosystem requirements and specifications. NCAR will also provide scientific guidance on operator development and prioritization and will liaise with the atmosphere modeling community at NCAR. Pennsylvania State University will provide guidance on model grid structures and development priorities to evaluate climate data on high-resolution unstructured meshes.
Project Raijin is an Open Development project where any contributions from the community is welcome. Therefore, we have project members and collaborators outside the Raijin administrators. We thank to any level of contributions in advance! Please feel free to reach out to us and have you name listed in the team!
The whole team can be seen below:
Project Administrators¶
Project Members¶
Cecile Hannay
Michaela Sizemore
Anissa Zacharias
Ryan Abernathy
Columbia University
Rob Jacob
Argonne National Laboratory
Rajeev Jain
Argonne National Laboratory
Falko Judt
David A Randall
Colorado State University
Niklas Rober
Bjorn Stevens
Max-Planck Institute
Paul Ullrich
University of California, Davis
Jill Chengzhu Zhang
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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